Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos
Alexander von Humboldt

Investigación en biodiversidad y servicios ecosistémicos para la toma de decisiones

conexion vital

Amphibian Colombia. A country of wetlands.

  • Autores: Varios
  • Editor: Instituto Humboldt, Editores (compiladores): Úrsula Jaramillo Villa, Jimena Cortes-Duque y Carlos Flórez-Ayala.
  • Tema: humedales, Colombia, identificación, clasificación, gestión, sistemas socioecológicos.
  • Tipo: Libro
  • Año: 2015

During 2010 and 2011, Colombia witnessed the consequences of La Niña phenomenon that caused precipitations above those historically observed. Due to the lack of tools and adaptation measures, the phenomenon left nearly 3,219,200 people damnified and caused several material damages. In response to this event, the project Insumos Técnicos para la Delimitación de Ecosistemas Estratégicos: páramos y humedales (Technical Tools for Delimitation of Strategic Ecosystems: paramos and wetlands) was established, developed between the Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt (Alexander von Humboldt Research Institute of Biological Resources) and Fondo Adaptación (Adaptation Fund), in order to guide the management of strategic ecosystems such as paramos and wetlands, and strengthen risk management in the country and the ability to adapt to climate change. Thus, Amphibian Colombia. A country of wetlands is born, which seeks to promote an acknowledgment and understanding of Colombia as an amphibian territory in which a great part of its geography and culture are directly associated to water. You hold in your hands a careful selection of the complete work, a result of more than two years of research, whose contents will allow you to have a first approach to our country of wáter amphibian Colombia.